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Five Yummy Thirst-quenchers for Winter

Amp up the cozy with glogg free drinks


Hi friends!

If you ask us, one of the best things with the cold temperatures and low light of winter is how much yummier warm drinks get. Hugh cliché, we know, but come on, it’s true. Warm drinks make being outdoors or, for that matter, indoors, so much better. Here are five tips on warm drinks which are easy to whip up, and more importantly: are not glögg or tea. Enjoy!

Warm apple juice – super easy and an incredibly cozy thing to give friends or neighbors visiting. Just warm the juice with some spices like cinnamon, ginger or star anise. Serve with a slice of apple in the glass or mug. Yum!

Golden milk – ok, so this is the one drink on this list that crave a little more work; it’s made with quite many ingredients. But for health, calm and for the beautiful taste – try it! Golden milk is a magical, creamy mixture of warm spices like cinnamon, cardamom and clove, and the star of the show: turmeric. The turmeric gives the drink its yellow tint and is said to be anti-inflammatory. We’ll link a recipe of golden milk here, so you can get the proportions right.

Hot chocolate with orange – an updated version of a classic (we don’t mind the classic, just feeling like experimenting a little), where one adds orange juice, dark chocolate and some sugar to warm milk. Make it luxuriously pretty by mixing whipped cream with some peel from the orange (if you’re going to do this, buy an organic orange!).

Warm spicy milk – this is a little like golden milk, but better if you’re not that into the taste of turmeric. Heat some milk with cinnamon, cardamom and vanilla power. Strain and pour into cups. Top it off with some honey and some whipped cream for a fancier version.

Lemon and ginger drink – This is a refreshing drink for winter and it’s yummy both hot and cold. Chop a generous amount of ginger and simmer it in a liter or so of water for 30 mins. Let it cool, strain, mix with juice from 1 lemon and add honey to taste. Keep it in the fridge. This one feels great to drink whenever a cold is coming on and it works great as a non-alcoholic drink mixed with a little soda and some ice.

Be well in the cold!

Talk to you soon.

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