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Super-fast Student Summer self-care

Easy ways to take care of yourself


When you hear self-care, what do you think of? Hour-long rituals in the bathroom? Spa? Yoga? It’s true that taking care of yourself has become a thing which can be really expensive. But it doesn’t have to cost anything at all. Here are a few super quick and student-budget friendly selfcare tips.

Go drink a glass of water

It’s said that drinking water can help to treat headaches, relieve constipation, boost energy levels and brain function. Liquid magic. Also, it feels really nice. So, go drink a glass of water.

Have a five-minute dance party

Feeling a little low on energy? Or Moody? Amp up the music and have a five-minute dance party! Dancing is shown to have positive effects on mood, memory and (of course) cardio vascular health. Want to increase the stress relief effect? Invite a friend to the party.


Whether it’s from social media or from all technology, unplugging for a while will help you relax and appreciate your surroundings. You get more aware and stay present without the constantly beeping phone craving your attention. Sounds scary? What if you miss something? Try it for an hour or two, take a walk in the park and feel the difference.

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